Yes you can! Rebuilding your credit with an auto loan after bankruptcy can start as quickly as the day after you have been discharged. many Auto finance companies in Canada specialize in poor Cred...
Remember that accident or speeding ticket that you that caused your insurance premiums to go through the roof? Well just as your insurance company raises your premiums based on risk, car loan lend...
Purchasing a new car is a great experience and finding the car of your dreams and the payment to match is the best part. Now that you have found the car, how do you make sure that you are in the b...
With the information and tools that are now available on the internet, on-line auto financing shopping has become more prevalent when considering auto finance options. From the comfort of their ow...
Q. Can I get a car loan after bankruptcy? A. Absolutely! Re-establishing your credit with a car loan after bankruptcy can happen as soon as the day after you have been discharged. Durham Car loans...
Get Pre-approved. What is more embarrassing or stressful than finding out from a dealership that you don’t qualify for the car that you have just purchased? Lenders typically have a set of guide...
Good for you! You have just accomplished the first step in rebuilding your credit; acknowledging that your credit is in need of repair. If you follow the steps in this article and learn what to do...
Consider Extended Finance terms As the quality of vehicles built today continues to improve, manufacturers’ warranties are longer and consumers are better equipped to keep their vehicles a littl...
Your experience so far… So you’ve been to the dealership to buy your car and the experience has been less than memorable. Or, the experience has been too memorable. Because of some unfortunate...